Anxiety Buster
Fish oil benefit
A new study gauging the impact of taking fish oil showed a marked reduction in inflammation and anxiety among a group of medical students. Researchers at Ohio State University believe that elderly people and others at high risk for certain diseases might benefit even more.
Previous studies indicated that the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil helped reduce levels of cytokines (compounds that promote inflammation). Psychological stress is known to increase cytokine production, so the researchers wondered if increased omega 3 intake would reduce stress—and reduce inflammation in the process.
Sixty-eight students enrolled in the 12-week study. Half received daily omega-3 supplements and the rest were given placebo pills. “The supplement was probably about four or five times the amount of fish oil you’d get from a daily serving of salmon,” said the researchers.
Students who received the omega 3 reported a 20-percent reduction in anxiety compared to the placebo group. Blood samples confirmed that cytokines had been reduced significantly.
“Omega 3 Reduces Anxiety and Inflammation in Healthy Students,” Ohio State University, 7/11
“Omega-3 Supplementation Lowers Inflammation and Anxiety in Medical Students” by J. K. Kiecolt Glaser et al., Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 7/19/11